Here you can find the annual newsletters released during the project. Sign up to stay up to stay in touch with the project community!
Highly ductile amorphous oxide at room temperature and high strain rate, E. Frankberg, F. di Fonzo et al. Access publication
Tritium measurements by nuclear reaction analysis using ³He beam in the energy range between 0.7 MeV and 5.1 MeV, S. Markelj, M. Payet, E. Bernard, M. Lipoglašek, M. Kelemen, A. Cvetinović, C. Grisolia, P. Pelicon. Access publication
Double pulse laser-induced plasmas on W and Al by ps-LIBS: Focus on the plasma-second pulse interaction, A. Favre, V. Morel, A. Bultel, S. Idlahcen, A. Benyagoub, I. Monnet, A. Sémérok, M. Dinescu, S. Markelj, P. Magaud, C. Grisolia. Access publication
Comparison of two modelling tools for the evaluation of tritium and hydrogen transfers in nuclear reactors or complex systems, T. Gilardi, C. Moreno, C. Grisolia. Access publication
A 3D In Vitro Model of the Human Airway Epithelium Exposed to Tritiated Water: Dosimetric Estimate and Cytotoxic Effects, G. Baiocco, I. George, S. Garcia-Argote, I. Guardamagna, L. Lonati, Y. Lamartinière, T. Orsière, B. Rousseau, A. Ottolenghi, A. Jha, L. Lebaron-Jacobs, C. Grisolia, V. Malard. Access publication
Absorption of a nanosecond laser pulse by a picosecond laser-induced preformed aluminum plasma, A. Favre, V. Morel, A. Bultel, G. Godard, S. Idlahcen & C. Grisolia. Access publication
Advances on GenIV structural and fuel materials and cross-cutting activities between fission and fusion, L. Malerba, P. Agostini, M. Bertolus, F. Delage, A. Gallais-During, C. Grisolia, K. Liger & Pierre-F. Giroux. Access publication
Development of a viable route for lithium-6 supply of DEMO and future
fusion power plants, T. Giegerich, K. Battes, J.C. Schwenzer & C. Day. Access publication
Overview of the TRANSAT (TRANSversal Actions for Tritium) project, Karine Liger, Christian Grisolia, Ion Cristescu, Carlos Moreno, Véronique Malard, Dave Coombs and Sabina Markelj. Access publication
Thermochemical Non-Equilibrium in Thermal Plasmas, Bultel, V. Morel and J. Annaloro. Access publication
Efficient hydrogen and deuterium permeation reduction in Al2O3 coatings with enhanced radiation tolerance and corrosion resistance, D. Iadicicco, S. Bassini, M. Vanazzi, P. Muñoz, A. Moroño, T. Hernandez, I. García-Cortés, F.J. Sánchez, M. Utili, F. García Ferré
Towards ps-LIBS tritium measurements in W/Al materials, Arnaud Bultel, Vincent Morel, Aurélien Favre, Gilles Godard, Abdenacer Benyagoub, Isabelle Monnet, Alexandre Sémérok, Maria Dinescu, Sabina Markelj, Philippe Magaud & Christian Grisolia.
Bioaccumulation, release and genotoxicity of stainless-steel particles in marine bivalve molluscs, Emily L. Vernon, Awadhesh N. Jha, Maria F. Ferreira, Danielle L. Slomberg, Veronique Malard, Christian Grisolia, Mickaël Payet, Andrew Turner. Access Publication
Cyto-Genotoxicity of Tritiated Stainless Steel and Cement Particles in Human Lung Cell Models, Lamartiniere, Y.; Slomberg, D.; Payet, M.; Tassistro, V.; Mentana, A.; Baiocco, G.; Rose, J.; Lebaron-Jacobs, L.; Grisolia, C.; Malard, V.; et al. Access Publication
Biokinetics and Internal Dosimetry of Tritiated Steel Particles, Rachel Smith et al., October 2022, Toxics 10(10). DOI: 10.3390/toxics10100602
Tritiated Steel Micro-Particles: Computational Dosimetry and Prediction of Radiation-Induced DNA Damage for In Vitro Cell Culture Exposures, Alice Mentana et al. Access Publication
Tritium: Its relevance, sources and impacts on non-human biota. Ferreira, M-F., Turner, A., Vernon, E.L., Grisolia, C., Lebaron-Jacobs, L., Malard, V., & Jha, A.N. (2023) Access publication.
Determination of Tritium-Helium-3 differential cross-section in the energy range between 0.6 MeV and 3.3 MeV for tritium depth profiling in solids. Markelj, S.,Cvetinovi, A., Lipoglavšek, M., Kelemen, M., Čekada, M., Pelicon, P., Payet, M., Grisolia, C. (2024) Access publication.
LIBS analysis of tritium in thin film-type samples A. Favrea, A. Bultel, M. Payet, S. Vartanian, S. Garcia-Argote, V. Morel, E. Bernard, S. Markelj, M. Čekada, E. Hodille, A. Semerok, C. Grisolia. (2024)Access publication.
Tritiated stainless steel (nano)particle release following a nuclear dismantling incident scenario: Significant exposure of freshwater ecosystem benthic zone. D. L. Slomberg, M. Auffan, M. Payet, A. Carboni, A. Ouaksel, L. Brousset, B. Angeletti, C. Grisolia, A. Thiery, J. Rose (2024) Access publication.
- D1.1 – Report on the assessment of tritium term sources and on the different types of barrier against tritium permeation relevant for fusion and fission reactors
- D1.2 – Report on the Assessment of a Viable Route for the Separation of Lithium Isotope
- D1.3 – Report on review of gas treatment technologies
- D1.4 Report on active barriers that complement the coating technics
- D1.5 – Report on experimental activities demonstrating transfer of technology under operating conditions of fusion fission
- D2.1 – Review of the different techniques to analyse tritium
- D2.2 – Technical document: Data set about ASTRID design and operating conditions to be simulated
- D3.1 – Report on production of steel particles
- D3.2 – Report on production of cement particles and characterization of steel and cement suspensions
- D3.3 – Report on tritiation of cement and steel particles
- D3.4 Report on model equations and comparison with generic models
- D3.5 Report on development of tools to study the environment fate of particles by products
- D3.7 Report on acute and long-term toxicities on in-vitro human models
- D3.9 Report on predicted effectiveness of tritiated products
- D4.1 – Interim report on the state of the art. Completion of design of experimental study
- D4.2 – Final Report
- D4.3 – Interim report concerning the state of the art. Completion of design of experimental study
- D4.5 – Interim Report Containing Research for Disposal Reuse Neutralisation and Partners Tritium Inventory Measurement
- D4.6 – Disposal or recycling plan for tritium ready
- D5.2 – Dissemination and exploitation plan
- D5.3 – Data Management Plan
- D5.4 – First Summer School Proceedings
- D5.5 Second Summer School Proceedings
- D5.6 – Communication Action Plan
- D5.7 – Project website
- D6.1 – Project Quality Plan
- D6.2 – Detailed Work Plan