Second TRANSAT Tritium School

Marseille TRANSAT Second Tritium School

Mark your calendar for the Second TRANSAT Tritium School! Initially organised in Marseille (France), this 5-days event will happen virtually from 14 to 18 June 2021. 

Following the successful First Tritium School, TRANSAT partners decided to keep the structure of the first school. They plan to organise five days of talks of invited speakers where cross-cutting activities from fission and fusion on tritium will be presented together with a waste management issues and biological studies with respect to toxicology and dosimetry.  The school will take in the afternoon hours in European central time in order make it available also for attendees outside Europe with different time zones.

Topics, key dates, contact details, & flyer here.



Post written by Sabina Markelj from the Jozef Stefan Institute and TRANSAT partner. 

Head over to the TITANS Project that follows on from the previous TRANSAT project.

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