The third edition of the TRANSAT newsletter is now online! You’ll access the latest results and activities carried out by…
Mark your calendar for the Second TRANSAT Tritium School! Initially organised in Marseille (France), this 5-days event will happen virtually…
On 16th of November, the TRANSAT Management Committee organised the third consortium workshop on corrosion. Due to the covid situation,…
The TRANSAT project has now its official page on ResearchGate, the European social media dedicated to scientists and reseachers.
There could be an accidental release and dissemination of tritiated dust particles in the environment when containment measures failed during…
From 21-22 October, the CIEMAT (one of the TRANSAT partners) organised in Madrid the first Workshop on Tritium Transport Modelling….
Christian Grisolia, the TRANSAT coordinator, participated on 15th of October to a round table on tritiated waste organised by theFrench…